Back in the saddle again

Barn tales, Life with Jezebel, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_1439" align="alignleft" width="225"] Riding Jezebel[/caption] I've been riding Circe but i haven't been riding Jezebel. After she out me  on the ground last Feb and was acting out so badly i gave her the rest of the winter off to figure out what her deal was. Ulcers.. hind and gastric was the diagnosis and since that time we've teated the ulcers and moved twice Jez is back in steady work with both Sammy and Michelle. Since i've moved to the fancy eventing barn I've been on her one time. After Michelle rode i cooled her out and was super nervous. Which pissed me off, i haven been nervous like THAT with her before. As a result i've been sticking with Circe working on building my stamina (which sucks) after…
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Moon gets miles

Off Farm, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_1418" align="alignleft" width="200"] Just chillin' pre-class[/caption] It was that time again, The Maryland Open Horse Show. They do these nice low key schooling shows about once a month and i've been shooting them.  They are held at Schooley Mill horse park which is the ring i used when i boarded the girls across the street. The only thing i miss about that place is the ring. My horses however don't miss a thing about it, they hated the ring. Too over whelming for my sensitive OTTB mares. This time up it was Michelle's turn to take her horse Moon and put some show miles on him. Shes taken him before but the last time he was rather jumpy and nervous. This time however he was great. She keeps him…
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Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Vet
[caption id="attachment_1412" align="alignleft" width="225"] Lead rope fun waiting on the Doc[/caption] Since Miss Jezebel is back in work 4 days a week i wanted to have Dr Jim come out and give her the once over. Hes the chiro, acupuncture, vet, bio-mechanic guy i had come out and and who diagnosed her with the ulcers and all that jazz back in March. The idea is I want to be sure that any tude i get from Jez is in the mind and not the body. Its not fair to get after a horse too hard who's in pain. So i had Dr Jim come out. I was lucky he has other clients at my facility (of course he does its a high performance barn and hes the best) So I…
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Totally Thoroughbred horse show

Off Farm, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_1398" align="alignleft" width="200"] First place in hand geldings[/caption] It was going to be hot out but i was determined to go watch the Totally Thoroughbred horse show which is in its 3rd year and held at Plimlico Racetrack. Hundreds of OTTB's in classes from lead-line to jumpers held at a race track. What could go wrong? Heh. First off this is a big show with lots of entries, so many that they have to split the classes and they are still huge. Novice hunters over fences at 2'6" went on for 2 hours at least just to get though all the horses entered. Lots of really great looking OTTBs in all stages of retirement from the horses in their teens who have been in new careers for over 10…
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Jumping beans!

Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Training
[caption id="attachment_1387" align="alignleft" width="300"] Jump![/caption] Jump training has started. Circe was up first with Michelle on board. After her normal flat work, Michelle decided to take Circe over a few cross rails and a couple of little jumps to see how she did. Circe loves to jump! Who knew!? Shes a careful jumper with scope to go higher then the little baby jumps shes going over now and she tucks her front legs up underneath her. Every single time her ears were perked forward and she never refused anything. It looked like she was having a good time. I really didn't expect to be able to start this work with her this quickly, so of course i'm tickled pink. Especially because she really seems to be having fun. I'm consistently…
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One month in

Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_1382" align="alignleft" width="200"] Pink Hat![/caption] Everything is coming together. The horses are loving the new place and so am I. Its quiet and beautiful and even though there are quite a few horses on the property, because its so big it feels much more quiet. A month in and they are both really doing well. Both ponies are being ridden in the upper ring, the lower ring and the indoor as well as out into the woods and on the bridle paths around the 100 acre property. I think the only ring we haven't used yet is the dressage ring. Circe even has a new friend, trainer number two's 8 year old daughter. Her and Circe are total pals and have a thing going. The 8 year old even…
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Shooting at the MOHS

Off Farm
[caption id="attachment_1377" align="alignleft" width="300"] Lookin' for the next jump[/caption] I went to the Maryland Open Horse Show. Not to ride but to cheer on E and her pony Austin. E also works with Michelle and since Michelle had to be out of town i was the stand in. I also went to shoot the show and pass out some of my cards (always hustling yo). I wasn't the official photographer they had one of those but i tried to get a good sampling of the riders. Its a nice little schooling show and i'm familiar with the ring so I know the good angles. E did great and came home in the ribbons. Though experience was the goal, the ribbons will help boost her confidence. I was really impressed with…
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Upper barn adventure

Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Training
[caption id="attachment_1369" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dusty and hot[/caption] The text I got was glowing Sammy (new trainer) rode both girls and they both did great. Circe's didn't call out to the other horses (a habit were working on to stop) and after her work in the indoor arena she was ridden around the property. That means around the pond, to the upper barn and back to her own barn. Miss Jezebel was taken into the woods for a hack and behaved! Yes, Jez has been on the trail before but never alone and its been a really long time. I was so thrilled to hear of their progress i could barely contain myself. [caption id="attachment_1370" align="alignright" width="200"] Happy pony[/caption] Next up Michelle. Since Sammy is pushing the pony envelope a little…
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How it all works

Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Training
[caption id="attachment_1363" align="alignleft" width="300"] View from the road[/caption] The girls are being ridden all the time now. They have an actual schedule. It has only been half a month and 2 little weeks into the move the girls are digging in and getting to work. Sunday: Michelle - Monday: Me - Tuesday: Sammy - Wednesday: Michelle  - Thursday: Me - Friday: Sammy - Saturday: Me Only I'm not really riding both yet. Ground work... yes but getting back in the saddle will be a little bit of a work up to it thing for me. I am cooling out Circe after her rides with Michelle and riding her back to the barn this week and then next i'll start riding her on my own. Jez is being re-started really slowly…
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