Bird Flu, Ebola and the Plague

Barn tales, Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel
[caption id="attachment_766" align="alignleft" width="171"] Damn It Jim, I have the flu[/caption] I did get sick, even though i willed myself not to, yeah that didn't work. I think its the plague or maybe the bird flu. I've been home in bed unable to see the girls for days and really unable to do much of anything but lay in  bed in a stupor and read Facebook on my phone. Good times. I feel lucky though that i have a great farm owner and friends down at the barn to keep their eye balls on my girls. At least i don't have to worry about them while I suffer from Ebola, or rabies or whatever debilitating bug i'm suffering from is. I was laying in bed, under the covers, unable to…
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The wind chill factor

Barn tales, Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel
[caption id="attachment_750" align="alignleft" width="251"] I'm wearing ALL the clothes[/caption] When I got up it was zero degrees out. ZERO. Zero's not even funny, as a friend of mine says. One is funny but zero? Zero is nothing. With the wind-chill factor according to my weather app it felt like -17 yep, thats with a negative in front of it. My god. Around noon i got my ass going and went to the barn. It had warmed up to 6 by then with a wind chill of -5  improvement of sorts. I was bundled up as warm as i was going to get. Smartpak base layer pants, fleece lined breeches, Smartpak base layer top, t-shirt, red mid-weight Dickies hoodie, black sherpa lined Dickies hoodie, sock liners, smart wool socks, paddock boots,…
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Barn tales, Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel
This should probably be an actual page not a post. Yanno so i can look at it all the time with it starring me back in the face every time I see my site, for motivation. Not that I need a ton, im a self motivated person. I've been a freelancer for the last 12 years. When I was a fancy shmancy art director in La La land I learned right quick to hit your motherfucking deadline. Of course that means you have to manage your workload, your clients expectations and make sure you buffer in for the unexpected. Setting goals is no different. The expectations you are managing are your own, the unexpected buffers you need to build in could be injury's and changes to your time-line. This is…
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The weather outside is frightful

Barn tales, Off Farm
Sunday is my regular day with my trainer, its the day she works with both horses, yanno providing the weather agrees. Today it did not. Everything was still, snowy, frozen and for a little added bonus we had off and on again freezing rain. Training was canceled, well try again mid week. Sunday is also the day my better half takes his riding lesson. They have an indoor so if the roads are clear class is on. The roads were clear. I like hanging out at his lessons, the last two sessions (they go on 10 week sessions) i met people i really liked and keep in touch with. One is using my trainer to work with her 11 year old daughter and the appendix she keeps at home. I…
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Snow day on the farm

Barn tales, Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel
[caption id="attachment_725" align="alignleft" width="300"] Snow day[/caption] When I got the the barn it was all covered in a soft white layer of fluffy snow. It looked beautiful but I know better it was cold out there. My car temperature gage read 23 degrees. Thats cold for this Southern California girl. I was prepared, I had all the clothes on. I thought maybe I'd ride Jez as Circe hasn't been ridden in a bit due to her sore hoof. Tina was working so the trail was out. She's my trail buddy and Jezebel isn't ready to hit the trail alone, we'll get there eventually but right now its just not possible. I checked out the ring and it looked usable. They snow hadn't turned to ice yet and it was all…
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Under the wire

Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Trail Riding
I met up with Tina early. The plan was to get out on the trail before the snow hit. It was cold. I was wearing all the cold weather stuff.. i mean all the stuff [caption id="attachment_696" align="alignright" width="300"] My jacket is lined with fur from this Muppet. Really![/caption] SmartPak's SmartShape Base Layer Tights. I got them on sale a while back and had yet to try them out. Over those i had on the Kerrits Power Stretch Winter Tights. For socks I had on sock liners and Smart Wool crew socks from REI. I hate spending that kind of money on socks but my feet were toasty at least for a while. My boots were my Ariat paddock boots. No half chaps, i own several pairs i never wear…
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The Circe effect

Life with Circe, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_690" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Circe Effect[/caption] She was lame when i pulled her from the field. Mary (Willa) was helping me catch my ponies because my trainer was going to work with them both and i was running late. (Go figure) i could see her stepping short on the right hind. Nooooo! Not the right hind! Okay this wasn't Jez but Circe, but the right hind freaks me out because i just spent be better part of 2013 re-habing Jez on the right hind. I brought her into the barn and checked out the leg. No heat, no swelling, not cuts, no scrapes, no reactions to any palpating, no nothing. When Michelle showed up she rode Jez then we turned out attention to Circe. We tacked her up and…
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