Buying hay

Barn tales, Self Care
My horses don't move until April 1st, up until then get to do all kinds of things to prepare for the move, yanno besides stress out about it. The barn manager and by that shes the liaison to the non-profit who owns the place, kindly agreed to let me move stuff in early and get my space ready before my actual move in date. Which is pretty cool of her. First up buying hay! There is a giant hay loft above my barn and half of it is mine, there's a lot of space for me to store my hay. Since i don't own a truck i need my hay delivered and they need a hay elevator as i'm not about to truck up heavy hay bales via the inside…
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For the rowers keep on rowing

Barn tales
[caption id="attachment_1039" align="alignleft" width="225"] Baby Bo and my better half, in red![/caption] Change is not always something i'm really great at. I tend to be a creature of habit. I have to make a real effort to embrace change, to surrender to change, to move into change. I have found the older I get the more I can roll with the punches. I still get terribly stressed but its less traumatic. It's time for a change. I could see the writing the wall and I am embracing it with both excitement and of course my usual stress and fear. I am moving my horses. I was getting what I'm calling a Georgia Ave Ulcer. Georgia Ave is the road I drive to the barn. Its a very busy street, a…
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Magical Blog Hop: Seven Deadly Sins

Barn tales
The 7 deadly sins, Viva Carlos Magical Blog Hop! Im a big fan of the seven deadly sins and a big fan of talking about horses... so naturally... Pride: Seven great things/strengths in your riding life 1. Determination to see it through now matter what 2. The funds to have 2 ponies 3. Being open to being a better rider and better horse person 4. Adaptability 5. Michelle my super dedicated trainer 6. Patty my friend and wildly talented farrier who has really done me right 7. A partner who is supportive of me and my horses and always pitches in without complaint. Envy: Seven things you lack or covet for your horse 1. A trailer and truck 2. A dressage and AP saddle for each horse 3. Enough hours…
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Paradigm shift

Barn tales, Life with Circe, Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Vet
Its been a rough week. Weather, sucks, blah blah blah. Its not just the weather though. I've been stressing out about the baby Bo and all things horse. Waking up at 4am fretting and worrying. Yeah, thats going over well in my house </sarcasm.  In an attempt to try to get all my horsey ducks in a row. My trainer gave me the name of the chiropractor (actually a vet, chiropractor, acupuncturist, horse bio-mechanic guy) she uses, he sounded pretty good. When I researched him up I saw he has a lot good feedback from people I respect. I watched a video of him working on a horse and I thought he might be a good fit for us. I called expecting to get his service and leave a message,…
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Bonnie is going for the win!

Barn tales
[caption id="attachment_1000" align="alignleft" width="300"] Bonnie on Jayburger Her OTTB Gelding[/caption] When I first head what she was doing I was in awe. I mean it's rather amazing and its someone I know and respect doing it. Someone who changed my life with the simple act of approving me to adopt my horse(s). She kept it to herself  for a while until it was official but Bonnie Hutton was selected to ride in the Mongol Derby, the words toughest and longest horse race. Even better she was riding  for charity in hopes that she can raise some cash to support the 501c (3) she founded to find homes for OTTBs. You see Bonnie loves horses and especially thoroughbreds from off the track. She loves them so much she has dedicated her…
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Hanging out

Barn tales, Life with Jezebel
Even though i was bummed i dragged my ass to the barn. I walked down to the field and got baby Besos. It was sunny but very cold (i'll never get used to that) the wind was gusty and blustery. I brought her into the ring un-hooked the lead and just hung out with her. We did some stretches and she is super tight on the right.  I dragged the mounting block into the middle of the ring and Beso and i just spent some time together. Then Bootsy showed up. Bootsy is one of 4 barn cats.  She was asking for pets and i obliged her, then Jez came over and it looked like this. [caption id="attachment_985" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Hey pet me![/caption] [caption id="attachment_986" align="aligncenter" width="225"] I spy with…
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Baby Besos

Life with Jezebel, Training
I woke up with a start at 3am and was up almost all night. The weekend had been rough on me. It was predicted to be a sunny and warm 55 degrees on Sat and i was finally going to be able to ride both my horses. I was pretty excited about it. I got to the barn and both my horses sheets had been removed for unknown reasons and they were covered in the thick wet deep mud that covers their field right now. Other horses in their field had their sheets on which added to my utter and complete anger over the situation. My one day to ride in two weeks 20 days had turned into a day to give both my horses baths. I ended up being…
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Attack plan: Step one

Life with Jezebel, OTTB, Vet
[caption id="attachment_971" align="alignleft" width="225"] Derp[/caption] I have a multi pronged attack plan to figure out/deal with Jezebels acting out issues. Vet, Chiro, Saddle fitter, training. Yesterday I had the vet out. The plan was to give Jez the once over and see if there were any physical issues that could be the cause of her, kicking out, bucking, rearing and all around bad attitude when working. It was the first time the new vet was going to evaluate her. We went over her history with the right hind and what issues she  currently having so that Dr. L could get the full story. Then we went to the lunge. The ring was an icy, slushy, snowy mess but i was determined to get her out there on the lunge. Which…
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Last gasp?

Barn tales
[caption id="attachment_965" align="alignleft" width="300"] The sand ring in two feet plus of snow[/caption] Maryland at least in my part yanno the DC burbs doesn't get much snow. In theory and usually. This winter has been a little different from everything everyone is telling me who have lived here longer then the three years I have. Its unusual to get snow like this. I'm actually more annoyed with the frozen ground then the snow its self. Under all that pretty white fluffy stuff is really hard ground that often has been chewed up a bit leaving hard points and mounds that can bruise hooves, especially in the paddocks. Cie la vie, it is what it is and theres not a lot i can do about it. No indoor means less riding…
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The switch

Barn tales, Vet
[caption id="attachment_960" align="alignleft" width="300"] Horse Doctor?[/caption] When I first got Jezebel I used the vet at the barn i boarded her at. 3 days after bringing her home.. abscess. I liked the vet well enough and the BM really encouraged us to use the vet she wanted us to use. I had pretty much no resources so i used that vet. I liked him and his Jr. associate who's husband i later took lessons with. They eventually moved out of state and my vet brought in a new associate who I liked very much. A seasoned horse person as well as being a vet. She was young, enthusiastic and had a very keen eye for lameness which i found very helpful being as my horse was injured with a long…
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