Attack plan: Step one
[caption id="attachment_971" align="alignleft" width="225"] Derp[/caption] I have a multi pronged attack plan to figure out/deal with Jezebels acting out issues. Vet, Chiro, Saddle fitter, training. Yesterday I had the vet out. The plan was to give Jez the once over and see if there were any physical issues that could be the cause of her, kicking out, bucking, rearing and all around bad attitude when working. It was the first time the new vet was going to evaluate her. We went over her history with the right hind and what issues she currently having so that Dr. L could get the full story. Then we went to the lunge. The ring was an icy, slushy, snowy mess but i was determined to get her out there on the lunge. Which…