Bronc Riding

Injury, Life with Jezebel, OTTB
I wasn't even going to ride, but it was so quiet that i decided why not. We had a successful trail ride the other day and even though spring was in the air and my horse was a touch cranky i though it a good idea to tack up the girl and put a few more miles on her. [caption id="attachment_333" align="alignright" width="300" caption="What bad horses look like"][/caption] She was a little Zoomy and very forward but i got her attention and we trotted adding in many circles, she settled in and i decided to canter her. She easily went into the canter but right away started to buck. What the hell! this was new, i felt like i was on a river rafting trip ans she bucked/cantered all the…
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Boots, Bruises And Snow

Barn tales, Life with Jezebel, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_326" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="But that blade of grass tastes better!"][/caption] My girl got a stone bruise its taken a couple weeks to heal. Granted i am giving her extra time off because because i'm a little paranoid about it manifesting into a abscess (dodged a bullet on that one) while this resting of the bruised foot was occurring a semi private pasture became available. One of the barns long time boarders was leaving and his paddock mate being moved in with a couple other guys so he wouldn't be lonely. A friend and I lobbied for the new paddock and were lucky enough to get it so now Jez is in semi private turn out with Lilly. The two girls are like peas in a pd and get along…
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Winter is a bitter mistress

Barn tales, Life with Jezebel, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_320" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Its cold mom!"][/caption] It's been a long time since I've written and not because nothing is happening. With work, and the bitter terrible winter cold (Yes, I'm being dramatic) I've been unmotivated to write. So an update is in order. Jezebel is wonderful and just as pretty as ever.  Over the fall we had a really bad case of thrush with took her out for a while. It was the cause of her mystery lameness (after much searching) I found the best stuff to battle her persistent thrush was "Tomorrow" my vet wanted me to go the bleach route but that didn't seem to be doing the trick but the Tomorrow worked and eventually she got better and I was able to start riding her again.…
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