It was a lovely 50 degrees outside and after a big breakfast my better half and I headed down to the barn. His lesson was canceled do to the place being the venue for a horse show. The plan was for me to ride both girls with lots of time being spent in the back half of the ring. I tacked up Circe first and lead her to the ring which was empty. I hopped on and she was really pretty good. No spook, no zoom. Sure there was head tossing when i put my leg on and sure she got behind the bit a lot and often did her giraffe impression but after about 20 minutes she worked though it all and was really a very good girl keeping her head down and not freaking out over leg pressure. We practiced her moving off my leg in both directions as i trotted down the centerline a few times. The i asked my better half if he wanted to ride her. The plan is for him to start cooling her out after her rides when hes at the barn to get a feel for her and so they can get to know each other. He grabbed his helmet and climbed aboard. They both did really good, i was super happy with how she listened to him and he asked the right questions of her. They walk halted and it was a really good start!

Then it was Jezebels turn. She was in a really good mood and super affectionate tacking up. I led her out to the ring, got on and warmed up at the walk and then the trot. She was pretty good. No antics like the day before. She felt a little stiff but after all her antics the day before that was to be expected. We did lots of circles and some serpentines and then my better half went to fill up the hay bags while i finished up with her. Thats when it took a turn for the worse. On the other side of the back of the arena an ATV was being used, Jez was not fond of this. I had her look at it and thought all was swell. I asked her to move forward and the head tossing began. I told her to knock it off and again asked her to move from the halt to the walk. Then she reared. I was kinda in shock. She went up fast and tall. I stayed on by some miracle. I was really quite surprised and just as i caught my breath and thought the whole thing was over she shot up a second time. Full on vertical with lots of hang time. I came off. Landed on my ass, left hand still holding the reins (will i ever learn to let go?!) Jez just turned to look at me like WTF are you doing on the ground and touched her nose to my nose. I wasn’t hurt, unless my pride counts. My better half came running after i called out to him and i got back on her with him ponying me from the ground. Jez started to head toss and was protesting moving forward. I urged her on and we got around the arena with her ready to go off at any second. I could feel her under me preparing to go up with every step and then i got off. I got my lunge line and put her on the lunge in full tack. She was fine going counter clockwise no fuss no muss but when we switched directions to clockwise i could see it. She was slightly off in the right hind and she was clearly uncomfortable going that direction.

I will have owned Jezebel for two years on February 15th and I’ve been put off her only three times in those two years. The first time she spooked at nothing because she was in heat. The second i was bucked into the fence and as it turns out because she had a 3 centimeter tear in the right hind suspensory and then today after she reared and i did my Zorro impression. I’d say i’m ahead of the game with a baby OTTB with her own opinions about things. Maybe shes injured, i dont know. Its more likely she’s sore from all the antics she pulled yesterday. She did a whole lot of kicking out with the right hind protesting pretty much everything so that would make sense. I texted my trainer and told her the story and the thought is to take a step back with Jez and try to figure out what her issue is and where its coming from. I’m going to make sure shes sound. I gave her bute will check her on the lunge tomorrow. When shes sound im going to work with her on the ground. Get her working and listening to me. Michelle is going to work with her under saddle and get her solid at the walk and the trot. This weather will not make it easy to do, were expecting snow again tonight.

I’ve never had a horse that reared. Rearing isn’t anything I’ve ever had to deal with before. Its all new to me. I was pretty happy i stuck the first vertical and if it happens again i think i’ll have a better handle on the whole thing and how to deal. This will not deter me, i love Jezebel shes my baby horse. If this is another injury i’ll deal and if this is all mental then we will work though it. Its not like i wont have a horse to ride while i work with Jez on the ground. Circe will just get more miles then expected this month. When I got home I took a Robaxin and my better half made me a cocktail.. a lime drop in my fancy Waterford martini glass or as i like to call it the horse persons cure all!
Wow, I’m glad you weren’t hurt. Horses that go up aren’t all that fun when they decide too. Esp if they go too high. Glad you weren’t hurt. Hope you can figure out what’s up with her 🙁 and that it’s nothing too serious.
Thanks! It was pretty scary and very surprising as i was asking her to do nothing and she’s always been such a willing horse. I dunno its got me puzzled right now.
Rearing is my least favorite vice. I prefer bucking. Nip it in the bud asap.
Will do! and I agree now having been tossed off because of it terrible vice!
My girl is prone to rear. It is terrifying. I’m glad you weren’t injured bodily. let go. Let Go. LET GO!!! I know, it’s really hard to remember in the heat of the moment. Y’all will work through it, I’m sure of it.
I don’t know why i don’t let go. Especially considering i broke my hand last time i didn’t let go. Ugh! Does murmz rear under saddle or on the ground and can you tell why? In protest to anything specific?