It was Circe’s turn to get clipped. I had done Jezebel the day before and was really happy with how successful it was. Circe is a pretty fuzzy and furry horse. The plan was to give her a little relief when it came to getting too heated up and to shorten the time frame it took to cool her down since she is in actual work (weather permitting) over this winter. Circe is supposed to be the easy one out of my two OTTB mares. Shes the one that wasn’t phased by moving to a new place, she walked right into the confined scary wash-stall for a bath and stood for it with no complaints straight away. Circe has been easy to handle from day one, she loves to be groomed and doted on on the cross ties and will stand in them for hours, and she will snuggle with you and give you head hugs. Shes an all around good girl, everyone comments about how calm and sweet she is. Clipping, i thought would be easy peasy. Yeah…Not.

Circe was alright at first, she stood and my friend Tina busted out the clippers and went to town on a very small modified trace clip. About 10 mins in to the 45 min ordeal Circe decided that she was over the whole clipping thing. She wasn’t terrible but was bouncing around enough to give her choppy lines on the clip. Awesome. Tina did a great job considering Circe wasn’t being “the good one” Jez actually stood much better then her red-headed sister. When we got to her horsey pits she flat out refused to let any clipping happen. The best was done and we took her out into the bright sunlight to see if there where any glaring terrible spots we could do a quick fix on. Thats when the new girl at are barn walked up. Shes got a huge 17+ hand WB, chestnut gelding. A prix saint george level dressage horse who’s rehabbing on our farm with bone chips. I’ve nicknamed him “Señor Loco” (more stories about him later) She looks at our clip and says ” You’re not showing with that are you?” Damn, dissed by the new girl with the fancy dressage horse! She wasn’t being snooty, or mean it was actually kinda funny. I tired again with Tina holding the sassy redhead to do a little work on the tufts on Circe’s ticklish horse pits and she threated to cow kick me! The little bitch! We ended there, it is what it is. Maybe next year i’ll get a professional clip done for fun to see the difference.
When i got home i related the whole Circe clip thing to my better half. I added in my surprise at how Jez was the better of the two at clipping. “Circe’s supposed to be the good one!” to which his answer was “She’s not the good one, shes the quiet one” Truth!
Love the statement from your SO. 🙂 The clip doesn’t look bad in the pic? Am I missing something.
Its pretty choppy if you zoom in on it. That photo is deceiving!