It’s been a full week so it was time for Jez’s recheck. Dr Engle came out since he was the vet on call when we had our injury. Hes stuck with us for this injury! The plan was to unwrap her, cut the dead skin flap and put her back into regular turn out and work. Best laid plans.. cuz when he took the bandages off Jez had other plans. She was reattaching the skin flap that should have died off and growing skin. That wasn’t supposed to happen because it was a downward facing flap. My Jezebel is a good little healer!! So new plan, bandage her up and wait another week. If shes not to crazy she can be turned out in the field and I have a powdered sulfa antibiotics for her.
Its going to be the last nice week of fall, temperatures in the high 60’s. I turned the girls out in the nice weather and the ladies decided not to be crazy. I’ll have to push Michelle another week because Jez still cant be put into regular work. Recheck next week and we will see what it looks like then and hopefully get back on a schedule. Horses are always a surprise and an adventure. My two ladies especially. I’ll just spend the week getting my barn ready for colder weather.
With this injury I kept the girls in the paddock for a week and it really showed me how muddy it can get, so im going to blue stone it. Its in the works and should be started any day now, I found a way to scrounge up the cost to get it done. It was money i was saving to replace some of the high tensile but instead we put some electric tape up on that section (and by we i mean my better half did it) and are crossing our fingers that gets us through till spring. That cash is now going to make proper paddock all weather footing.
All and all this isn’t such a bad situation, sure my training and riding is being put on hold for a couple weeks but all in all i’ll take that over something more serious.