It snowed again the other day. About 6 inches at home stuck and about 8 inches at the barn. It has been very cold out, highs in the low 20’s or teens and wind chill factors making it feel at times below zero. Which of course means that the ground’s covered in snow, under the snow the ground is frozen, i can’t ride, i cant have my trainer out to ride, I don’t want to get out of bed, i cant get motivated to do anything, my broken hand hurts like a motherfucker, i’m a bitch to be around and i miss California.. blah, blah, blah. Yanno the usual winter complaining bullshit. I read somewhere that this is the worst winter in this area in about 20 years. Last year i thought it was cold, yeah that was nothing compared. So i packed on all the clothes and went to the barn after skipping yesterday because i was paralyzed by old man winter.

The long driveway up to the barn was pretty much un-plowed when I arrived and the girls were all huddled around a round bale as i drove up or as i like to call it, the hay vending machine. I parked the car and went looking for a place to plug in my electric tea kettle. Its been so cold they’ve been turning off water to avoid burst pipes. Cant blame them but when its cold like this i like to give my girls a mash and for that… i need hot water. I found a place in the main barn feed room to plug in the kettle and went to go pull the ladies from the snow field. Both were begging to come inside. It was sunny but about 20 degrees out not counting the wind. I brought them both inside and made up their mash. They eagerly awaited it. Jez was more vocal about it pointing to the mash with her face and whinnying as if to say “look over there mom.. the mash is over there i can smell it. Hurry Hurry!” While they waited for their mash to cool down enough to eat i gave them some stud muffins because, they looooove stud muffins. It distracted them from the mash for only a few minutes and then they bugged me until it was ready. When it was they both gobbled it down like it was the best thing they ever had eaten i their lives, ever. I love how such a little thing like a warm mash on a freezing cold day can make them both so happy. It was totally worth driving my bitchy ass down to the barn in the freezing bitter cold to do this for them. It made me just as happy as it made them i think.

Then it started to snow again. I’m so over this whole winter thing, I’m really ready for it to be spring.