Finally! I rode my horse! Okay I mostly walked because the ground was harder then i thought when i first got on and i didn’t get to ride the red-head because she has much more sensitive feets then the wild one. But i did tack up and get on. We did one trot set but that was all because i was worried about ice. It was about 25 degrees when i got on and gave it a go. Jezebel was a real trooper and for a horse that hadn’t been ridden in a while because if weather she was a right good girl. No spook, no zoom, just happy to be working. If you can call what we were doing work. I was just happy to be on board!
Of course after i un-tacked and the sun started to come out and there was more melt happening. I’m sure by tomorrow the ring will be much more usable and i can get on both girls and actually yanno work. Yippy! I’m so looking forward to it. The weather is forecasting more snow in a week so i better get my ya ya’s out now because its predicted to be warm (in the 40’s!) for the next few days. Maybe i’ll even break out my blocks and poles and lunge the wild one over some obstacles. Fun!
After the barn i trucked on down to a local yoga studio. I’ve been meaning to do something about getting more fit and yoga is about the only “exercise” thats not horse related i can stand to do. I did it in LA from time to time but finding a place here in MD isn’t as easy as CA where there is a studio on every corner. I’ve been eye balling the place chose because its halfway between home and the barn and the price is right. What i didn’t know is that its owned by a horse person! The owners got three horses so that makes her one horse more crazy then i am. Heh. She keeps them at a local barn that i actually went to look at when I was barn shopping last summer. I know all this because we spent about 20 minutes talking about our horses.. yeah its pretty much the right yoga studio for me. When I walked in i said “i’m sorry i’m all covered in horse dirt” the owners response? “I spend half my life covered in horse dirt” I start on Monday.
omg so many yoga studios here its annoying, I’ll ship some to you. And yay you got on your horse 😛
Finally.. i was having withdrawals!