The big move

Circe, Jezebel and Jax

It was moving day. The day started out with heading down to the new barn to finish up installing buckets, bed stalls and just get everything ready for the girls. My better half was really awesome making sure i was calm as even though i was excited moving is always stressful. We got everything done pretty fast then headed over the the soon to be old barn to pack out saddles and horses. The girls were muddy (even though they had sheets on) so i did a really half assed job washing their legs and tails. Cuz thats how i roll. While the girls munched on hay and dried off we got everything ready. Loaded M’s truck up with a couple bales of hay and their mid-weights and hooked up the trailer. Right on time at 3:30 we were ready to load and my better half and i walked the girls down to the trailer. As a friend in a lesson with her trainer both waved good bye and wished us luck! They were pretty happy and cheerful as the trailer was right by their turn out and i bet they though they were going back out in the field. Surprise! Load Ponies!

All the blue buckets
All the blue buckets

Circe was up first but she was really unsure about getting on. She just stopped short of the ramp and i think trailering to her has always meant going to a new home and a new person. Poor pony was experiencing some stress i think. So instead i grabbed Jez and hot damn if she didn’t just walk right up and load first time no issues no worries. This is my willing, amazing horse! No fuss no freaking muss. Circe seeing Jezebel load, walked up the ramp and loaded on try two. Super easy! M and I  closed up, got peanut in the truck  and headed out to the new place about 20 minutes away with my better half following us in the SUV. Unloading was even easier. I backed Jez down first and she came off straight and happy. My better half backed Circe down. I have to say im pretty thrilled at him just jumping in and taking this horse thing by the reins (pun intended!). I’m sure he never thought in his life hes be unloading horses. He did a great job and after letting them look around for a bit we put them in their new stalls where they both ate hay, drank water and looked out their new windows! They love their windows! I hugged M good bye and thanked her for all her help moving my girls. I couldn’t have done it with out her help and support!

I love you window
I love you window

After they were all settled we decided to turn them out in the small adjacent paddock so they could get to know their new barn friends  Jax and Sabrina over the fence. We walked them in the paddock down to the in ground water system so they would know where it was and they were very excited to see grass in the field.  Then we let them loose and expected them to lose their shit and be all crazy. They didn’t. They ate grass and trotted around a little flagging ther tales. They met their new friends over the fence and it became clear that both my girls and  Sabrina (and older ex trotter) were in heat. Jax  the only gelding has all the sexy ladies! Jezebel was very sweet on Jax. Circe not so much. There was a little squealing but that came from Jax and Sabrina my girls were much calmer then i expect. I let them hang out for about an hour then put them in their stalls for the night. I got a message from my new barn mate late in the evening ( she goes down at night!) That all was well. Awesomeness.

Feed room!
Feed room!

It was a stressful but very successful day and once again my horses made me proud and happy. Owning OTTBs is a great thing, they are super resilient horses. They did a great job on the move. Today i’m heading over  there early to turn them out and give them time to just be horses and munch grass in the field while i put my new space together. Im feeling really good about it, really very good.

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