Recheck surprise

Barn tales, Injury, Life with Jezebel, OTTB
[caption id="attachment_1824" align="alignleft" width="300"] First turn out in a week[/caption] It's been a full week so it was time for Jez's recheck. Dr Engle came out since he was the vet on call when we had our injury. Hes stuck with us for this injury! The plan was to unwrap her, cut the dead skin flap and put her back into regular turn out and work. Best laid plans.. cuz when he took the bandages off Jez had other plans. She was reattaching the skin flap that should have died off and growing skin. That wasn't supposed to happen because it was a downward facing flap. My Jezebel is a good little healer!! So new plan, bandage her up and wait another week. If shes not to crazy she can…
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