No steps backwards

Showing Jez the pace
Showing Jez the pace

I put the girls to work only after a few days off to get settled. They have both been ridden by Michelle and now Sammy the new trainer and they both did great. Jez did try to rear with Sammy but she gives enough warning that she rode her though it and Sammy doesn’t think that her rearing is anything that cant be fixed and i shouldn’t worry about it too much. I almost cried when i heard that. Circe is close to calm being ridden in the indoor so its likely i’ll start riding her next week. I’ll cool her out at first then when that goes well i’ll just start riding her. Sammy rode Circe back from the indoor after her ride and hot damn if she didn’t give a flying you know what about it. Calm loose rein walking back to her own barn. Who is this horse! Were also going to be trying some new bits on Circe something easier and smaller for the sensitive mare. Her mouth is small and with the new set of eyes some discussion was had that she wants to go into the contact then head tosses and it might be because of the bit. Experimentation is on the way!

S and J
S and J

I decided that they both just didn’t like the other place. They were good in the field but something about that ring just wigged them out, especially Circe. Shes very much at home here in the new place. So with a week in i feel at home, but more importantly the horses do. I’m really digging the new trainer and her and Michelle got along like peas in a pod right away. Score! We have the days divided up for riding and my ponies are going into 6 days of work as of right now. Its a bit of a longer drive for me but my better half and i are discussing moving closer to the farm. So that might happen and cut down on my daily drive a little. Woot!

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